JEAN HENRY DUNANT, known as the father of the RED CROSS, was born on May 8, 1828 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Red Cross was established in 1863 in Geneva. It is an International organization meant for; humanitarian services. Though at the beginning it aimed at taking care of the people affected by war, in due course, its area of operation was extended to the prevention as well as the relief of human suffering during natural havocs and at other times. The Youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of it mother organization Indian Red Cross. It is a group movement, organized for students in colleges and Technical institutions.
The YRC movement is based on the following three principles..
- Protection of Health and suffering
- Service to the sick and suffering
- Promotion of National and International friendship.
Brief History
Youth Red Cross was started with 50 students in the year 2002-2003. Every year the student strength has increased. It has provided various services like donating goods to needy people. AIDS Awareness Programme, Tree Plantation, First Aid Training Programme, Blood grouping, Temple cleaning, Personality Development Programme, Entrepreneurial Development Programme, etc.
International Day Of Yoga
Yoga Training Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 10.08.2018, to celebrate the International Day of Yoga on 21.06.2019. Mrs. R. Kavitha, Assistant Professor, Manavalakkalai Mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers who were actively participated in this programme.
Awareness Programme on Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Watse
Awareness programme on Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste was organized by Youth Red Cross on 26.07.2019. Mrs. Sangavai, Head, Department of Biotechnology, delivered the message about the classification of Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable waste materials and the ways to recycle all the bio degradable materials and how to dispose the non-biodegradable materials properly.
National Library Day
National Library Day was celebrated on 09-08-2019 by You Red Cross Society, inorder to indicate the essentiality of maintaining a library and to inculcate the nature of reading among the students. Through games the best of best were selected and awarded with prizes.
Plastic Waste Free Campign Awareness Rally
The volunteers of Youth Red Cross have actively participated in Plastic Waste Awareness Programme, organized under the scheme SWACCHATA HI SEVA. The rally was presided by Tmt. V. SANTHA, District Collector, Perambalur and delivered an effective speech about the harms of using plastic and the ways to recycle the plastic wastes.
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 31-07-2018 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women(Autonomous) . Prof. S.H. Afrose Prinicpal, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasasn College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Perambalur had presided over the Programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their Campus clean and safe.
Yoga Training Programme
Yoga Training Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 10.08.2018, Mrs. R. Kavitha, Assistant Professor, Manavalakkalai Mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers who were actively participated in this programme.
Awareness Programme on Youth Red Cross Society
Awareness Programme on Youth Red Cross Society was organized by Youth Red Cross on 24.09.2018, Mr.M.G. Saravanan, YRC District Organizer, delivered an excellent speech about the YRC Society, aim and activities of YRC.
Environmental Awarness Programme
A one day Environmental Awarness Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on organized on 12.02.2019 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Perambalur. Mrs. Shanmugapriya, Assistamt Professor, Department of Chemistry delivered a speech by pointing out the current situation of our environment and the ways to preserve our environment. The YRC volunteers had eagerly partcicipated in this programme.
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 10.08.2017 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.Dr,P. Gajalakshmi, HOD, Department of Micro Biology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had presided over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Youth Training Programme
Youth Red Cross had organized Youth Training Program on 19.09.2017 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.
Awareness on Electricity Conservation
Awareness on Electricity Conservation was organized by Youth Red Cross on 05.10.2017. This programme was headed by Prof. S.H. Afrose, Principal, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur and shared many valuable points regarding the consumption of electricity and the ways to save in our routine life. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Computer Usage Programme
Computer Usage Programme for YRC Volunteers was organized by Youth Red Cross on 16.12.2017 inorder to make the students to develop their usage of computer in their daily life and especially about the usage of Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteers had assiduously learned the tactics delivered in this programme.
Yoga Training Programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 17.07.2017. Mrs. R.KAVITHA Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers who were actively participated in this programme
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 22.12.2016 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
The World Humanitarian Day
The world humanitarian day was organized by Youth Red Cross on 19.08.2016 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.
Computer Usage Programme
Computer Usage Programme for YRC Volunteers was organized by Youth Red Cross on 27.12.2016 in order to make the students to develop their usage of computer in their daily life and especially about the usage of Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteers had assiduously learned the tactics delivered in this programme.
Plastic Usage and Its Effects
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized a Programme based on Plastic Usage and its Effects on 17.02.2017 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. P.Gajalakshmi, HOD, Department of Micro Biology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had presided over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Yoga Training Programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 17.07.2016. Mrs. Madhumidha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers who were actively participated in this programme.
Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was organized by Youth Red Cross on 28.07.2016. Dr , VIJAYARAMANAN gave on excellent seminar to the YRC volunteers. He explained the problems of consuming drugs and its effects in various stages. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Yoga Training Programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 17.08.2015. Mrs. Kavitha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers who were actively participated in this programme.
Electricity Conseration Day Rally
Electricity Conservation Day Rally was organized by Youth Red Cross on 14.12.2015. The rally was presided by Chairman A. Srinivasan at Collector Office Perambalur. Collector Darez Ahamed had advised the students of YRC how to save electricity in our daily life by pointing out that the scarcity of electricity in Tamilnadu. And the felicitation was given by Prof. S.H.Afrose, Principal, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 22.12.2015 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.P. Gajalakshmi, HOD, Department of Micro Biology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur had presided over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Tree Plantation programme
Tree Plantation programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 16.02.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mr. Nelson gave a lecture on the importance of planting trees and its uses. The participation of the students was energetic throughout this program
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was organized by Youth Red Cross on 26.06.2015. Dr. R.ANAND RAJ , gave on excellent seminar to the YRC volunteers. He explained the problems of consuming drugs and its effects in various stages. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Tree Plantation programme
Tree Plantation programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 11.07.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mr. Nelson gave a lecture on the importance of planting trees and its uses. The participation of the students was energetic throughout this programme.
Yoga Training programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 23.07.2014. Mrs. Kavitha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers actively participated in this programme.
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 27.08.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.P. Gajalakshmi, HOD, Department of MicroBiology has presides over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 06.08.2014. Mrs. S.PAVITHRA Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology has delivered the importance of Breast Feeding and about the wrong opinion towards the breast feeding among the young mothers of this generation. The volunteers of YRC had actively participated in this programme.
The World Humanitarian Day
The world humanitarian day was oraganized by Youth Red Cross on 19.08.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.
Computer Usage Programme
Computer Usage Programme for YRC Volunteers was organized by Youth Red Cross on 12.09.2014 inorder to make the students to develop their usage of computer in their daily life and especially about the usage of Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteers had assiduously learned the tactics delivered in this programme.
Cancer Awareness Programme
Youth Red Cross had organized one day Cancer Awareness Programme on 21.01.2015 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women has given the detailed descriptions about the disease cancer and about its treatment to be taken by a cancer patient and also about the due care given by the neighbours. The programme was eagerly attended by the YRC volunteers.
Internet Usage Programme
Youth Red Cross organized one day Internet Usage programme to the YRC volunteers inorder to develop the students knowledge in using Internet safely and wisely on 08.01.2015. Mrs.GOWRI Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications has practically explained the students about the importance of internet in our life and about the negative side of using Internet. The volunteers of YRC had actively participated in this programme.
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was organized by Youth Red Cross on 26.06.2013. The Chief Guest R.ANAND gave on excellent seminar to the YRC volunteers. He explained the problems of consuming drugs and its effects in various stages. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Yoga Training Program
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 15.07.2013. Mrs. Kavitha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers actively participated in this programme.
campus cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 14.09.2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.P. Gajalakshmi, HOD, Department of Micro Biology has presides over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 01.08.2013. Mrs. NIRMALA Assistant Professor, Department of Bio Chemistry has delivered the importance of Breast Feeding and about the wrong opinion towards the breast feeding among the young mothers of this generation. The volunteers of YRC had actively participated in this programme.
Computer Usage Programme
Computer Usage Programme for YRC Volunteers was organized by Youth Red Cross on 20.09.2013 in order to make the students to develop their usage of computer in their daily life and especially about the usage of Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteers had assiduously learned the tactics delivered in this programme.
The World Humanitarian Day
The world humanitarian day was organized by Youth Red Cross on 19.08.2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.
Health and Hygenic Awareness Programme
Youth Red Cross had organized a one day Health Awareness Programme on 23.01.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mrs. P. Nirmala, Assistant Professor, Department of Bio Chemistry, gave an excellent lecture to the students. She explained the diabetes symptoms and the habits of diabetes patient. She told that the diabetes patient must follow the Diet food method. She gave clarified the students doubts. She said that the Natural Products are good for our health. Nearly 100 students were benefited by this programme.
Yoga Training Programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 29.01.2014. Mrs. Kavitha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers actively participated in this programme.
Tree Plantation Programme
Tree Plantation programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 20.02.2014 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mr. Nelson gave a lecture on the importance of planting trees and its uses. The participation of the students was energetic throughout this programme.
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was organized by Youth Red Cross on 26.06.2012. The Chief Guest gave on excellent seminar to the YRC volunteers. He explained the problems of consuming drugs and its effects in various stages. The YRC volunteers participated in this programme.
Environmental Awareness programme
A one day Environmental Awareness programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 07.06.2012 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mrs.S.Pavithra Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology delivered a speech by pointing out the current situation of our environment and the factors affecting the environment and the ways to preserve our environment. The YRC volunteers had eagerly participated in this programme,
Yoga Training programme
Yoga Training Program was organized by Youth Red Cross on 29.08.2012. Mrs. Kavitha Assistant Professor Manavalakkalai mandram, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur gave an excellent seminar and practical training programme to the YRC volunteers actively participated in this programme.
Blood Donation Camp
Blood Donation Camp was organized by Youth Red Cross on 07.09.2012. Mrs P.Gajalakshmi narrated the positive sides of donating blood and its usage. The volunteers in YRC had actively participated in blood donation by knowing its uses.
Internet Usage Programme
Youth Red Cross organized one day Internet Usage programme to the YRC volunteers in order to develop the students knowledge in using Internet safely and wisely on 26.09.2012. Mrs. KAMARU NISHA Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications has practically explained the students about the importance of internet in our life and about the negative side of using Internet. The volunteers of YRC had actively participated in this programme.
Computer Usage Programme
Computer Usage Programme for YRC Volunteers was organized by Youth Red Cross on 08.10.2012 in order to make the students to develop their usage of computer in their daily life and especially about the usage of Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteers had assiduously learned the tactics delivered in this programme.
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 03.08.2012. Mrs .P.SUGUNADEVI Assistant Professor, Department of Bio Chemistry has delivered the importance of Breast Feeding and about the wrong opinion towards the breast feeding among the young mothers of this generation. The volunteers of YRC had actively participated in this programme.
Campus Cleaning
Youth Red Cross of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women had organized Campus Cleaning Programme on 10.10.2012 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mrs.P.Gajalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Micro Biology has presides over the programme. The students eagerly participated in this programme to keep their campus clean and safe.
Health and Hygenic Awareness Programme
Youth Red Cross had organized a one day Health Awareness Programme on 08.01.2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mrs. P. Nirmala, Assistant Professor, Department of Bio Chemistry, gave an excellent lecture to the students. She explained the diabetes symptoms and the habits of diabetes patient. She told that the diabetes patient must follow the Diet food method. She gave clarified the students doubts. She said that the Natural Products are good for our health. Nearly 100 students were benefited by this programme.
Tree Plantation programme
Tree Plantation programme was organized by Youth Red Cross on 20.02.2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women. Mrs. AKILA Assistant Professor, gave an lecture on the importance of planting trees and its uses. The participation of the students was energetic throughout this programme.
The World Humanitarian Day
The world humanitarian day was organized by Youth Red Cross on 19.08.2012 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women.